Great Gray Owl Winter
The Gang’s All Here – Evening Grosbeaks
Snowy Owl Morning

Presqu’ile is pretty much deserted these days. The picnic-ers, birders, photographers, and campers have virtually disappeared. I do see the occasional dog- walkers bundled up against the cold with their faithful friends at their sides. But really, Presqu’ile belongs to the owls now. It’s amazing to see…
Owls at Presqu’ile Park
My First Photo Exhibition
Winter Bird Feeding (and who might show up!)
Welcome to Gull Island

Welcome to Gull Island. This windy, treeless little island in Lake Ontario sits just off the south shore of Presqu’ile Provincial Park, in Brighton, Ontario. It is a haven for wildlife. Discovering who is there during different seasons of the year is what makes Gull Island fascinating. In March, thousands of…