In the middle of May this year, I spent a few evenings standing on a dock overlooking Brighton Bay. As the sun set, I was serenaded with weird and spooky sounds from the marsh. Most of them came from these funny little birds: Pied Billed Grebes! Here’s a link to their sounds.
Look how different the sizes of the babies are! This is quite common in the bird world.
One evening while observing the Grebes, I got a chance to see a Least Bittern take flight. I love the beautiful colours in its wing feathers.
Another local spot I visited twice in May was the Murray Marsh, about 20 minutes north east of where I live. I was treated to a great show.
Back at home on my corner there was still lots of action, including a Belted Kingfisher hunting on my pond, and a rare Lawrence’s Warbler singing on the corner.
On Victoria Day weekend, the third week in May, Ontario Parks including Presqu’ile Park opened back up to the public. I headed down there and walked down the road by the lighthouse, one of the best places to see migratory birds in May. All the local birders I know were on the exact same road, enjoying the show.
I didn’t take any photos that day. I just watched and listened to the birds all around me, and chatted a bit with folks I hadn’t seen for awhile. It all seemed almost normal. And it was.