Having been in an elementary school classroom for the past 20+ years, I barely noticed September as it passed by. Kid-induced haze. This year, it’s different. Retirement!
But not really. I’m still up early (to hear the school busses roll by) and out the door. Living life.
I’ve made an amazing discovery! September is a beautiful month. There is a lot going on in the wonderful world of wildlife as well.

Baby Snapping Turtle
This newly hatched snapping turtle was toddling up my front walk. If you look closely you can see its egg tooth.
Monarch butterflies are making a bit of a comeback this year, thank goodness. I hope it continues.
There are all kinds of great insects and arachnids in the garden, eating our plants and each other.

What are you?
Birds of all sorts are migrating south. I found this tiny bird the other day and had to look it up- it’s a blue-headed vireo. Lovely little thing.

Should I or shouldn’t I?
On the other side of this wavy little channel is Gull Island, famous for its shorebirds. All kinds of interesting characters stopped by Gull Island in September. You wade to get there. Luckily, September has been quite balmy.

Pectoral Sandpiper
Sit, and they will come.

Incoming Sanderlings
Practically up onto my lap…

Strange Crowd
I saw some weird things on Gull Island, like this HUGE Greylag Goose hanging out with some sandpipers and a Hudsonian Godwit. It belongs on a farm, doesn’t it?

Walter in the Goldenrods
Yes, even walking my dog in September was lovely. Glad I noticed.
That baby turtle photo is the best thing I’ve seen all day!! Hope you enjoy October just as much!!
We saw a baby snapper crossing the walk from the nest to the water at VINS (Vermont Institute of Natural Science) when we were there last month. I was surprised at how angular the shell is compared to a painted turtle. Didn’t get down to check for the tooth!
They are really cute and really homely at the same time I think.