Category: insects
Into the Woods
Praying Mantis Summer School
Baby Birds, Berries, and Bug Buffet

August is my favourite month. Harvesting veggies and fruit, watching butterflies and countless other pollinators in my gardens, and coming upon different baby birds and migrants just passing through keeps my life interesting. I never know who I might find around the yard. These photos were all taken…
Praying Mantis Nymphs
The Joys of Gardening for Wildlife
It’s Not a Hummingbird…But What is it?
Why We Should All Be Drinking Shade Grown Coffee
The Number One Flower for Attracting Just About Everything

Want wildlife to come to your garden? Plant purple coneflowers! Purple Coneflowers, also known as Echinacea purpurea are absolutely loaded with pollen. So besides being gorgeous, they are like a giant dinner table for all kinds of critters. Look how this butterfly is eating with its curvy proboscis. This…